Key Details

With our concept, we will help you get back on your feet.

This is based on our three pillars




The whole thing related to a car:

Imagine you inherit a beautiful classic car, which has not been driven for years. The first thing you would do here is wash off the dust and dirt. Then you would subject the car to an inspection to see if and what can be repaired. After the repairs are done and the car is back in great condition you can not only use the classic car, but also enjoy it. However, every classic car owner will confirm that a classic car needs regular care and maintenance so that it not only keeps its value, but you can also drive it for years with a lot of joy.

Our body also functions in a similar way.
Therefore the program is also divided into 3 steps:

Step 1 - Clean

You bring your intestines, the seat of your body's own health -Taskforce (immune system) - into shape, so that it can perform its natural functions again.

Step 2 - Nourish

You provide your intestines, or your good intestinal bacteria and thus also your body with a concentrated load of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Step 3 - Protect

This means that your body keeps itself "healthy".
During this step, you provide your body with everything it needs to bring itself back into balance and repair weak points. At the same time, you reduce the consumption of things that increase inflammation in your body. Still: you ALWAYS have enough to eat (just from the good stuff), because you don't want to shut down the metabolism under any circumstances.

This also means that kilos tumble, ‘cause which body likes to voluntarily carry extra ballast around with it?!

Depending on where your challenges are, you will experience noticeable improvements. Sometimes even where you didn't expect it.

Step 3 is divided into 21 days reduction and 21 days stabilization.

After that, it's far from over. Because once you have experienced the positive effects of the program first-hand, you do not want to go back. Don't worry, we are happy to help you not only keep your successes, but also expand them even further to go through life healthy and vital!

You can choose between 3 types of care,
depending on your individual needs:

Package S = 99€

Package M = 299€

Package L = 399 €